Check the reed switches on the kickoff arm
Tools:Flat Head Screwdriver
Safety Equipment:Standard Personal Protective Equipment
CAUTIONWhen using material handling in the manual mode, make sure that everything and everyone is clear of moving parts to prevent damage or injuries.
- Open the PEWIN32PRO program.
- Select Watch Window from the View drop-down menu at the top of the PEWIN32PRO window.
- Press the Insert key and add the KickoffExtended (M910) and KickoffRetracted (M911) variables to the Watch Window.
- Make sure the OFK conveyor is clear of timber or any other obstruction.
- In the Material Handling window, click to extend the kickoff arm.
- Make sure the KickoffExtended variable changes from 0 to 1 and the reed switch closest to the conveyor lights up in red when the arm is fully extended.
- If required, use a flat head screwdriver to loosen the mounting screw, reposition the reed switch correctly within the groove and re-tighten the screw.
- Click to retract the kickoff arm.
- Make sure the KickoffRetracted variable changes from 0 to 1 and the reed switch farthest from the conveyor lights up in red when the arm is fully retracted.
- If required, use a flat head screwdriver to loosen the mounting screw, reposition the reed switch correctly within the groove and re-tighten the screw.
- Make sure both reed switches are physically secure and cannot move from their set positions.